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 Leadership in Practice – Understanding Political Psychology of Nationalists in Jammu and Kashmir

Written by: Sardar Aftab A. Khan

 A political psychology behaviour change project - funnelling nationalists into a dark dungeon of historical myths and conflicting narratives is currently underway predominantly in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. The core focus of this strategically initiated and social media-amplified behaviour change project is to influence and shoehorn minds, double down confusion and create political animosity and hatred within socially and politically active individuals and organisations. Furthermore, discredit civil resistance movements across all regions of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. An increasing number of genuine political activists and the finest minds within the nationalist cadre are falling into the trap and trying to become detective conspiracy theorists, historians and so-called experts in political geography without any academic or certified professional training on the subject matter. Therefore, one can see the activism, debate and discussions among nationalists in particular and political circles, in general, are increasingly funnelled into a dark dungeon of historical myths and conflicting interpretations/narratives on many dark chapters of our history within AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh. Most of the discussions and heated debates within nationalist circles revolve around events that happened in 1846 or between 1947-1949. What is the significance and importance of these debates in 2022 and beyond?

 As a policy analyst and public information campaigns strategist, I read emerging issues, debates, discussions, various posts, and comments on J&K-focused social media forums, individual walls, Web TV Channels, and newspaper articles. One can see that most of the activists from various nationalist political parties, factions and groups are increasingly becoming oblivious to the realities of life that affect the political economy in 2022 and continue to affect us all in the future.

Many finest brains and intellectuals are commenting on and interpreting historical events and associated myths/conflicting narratives to rub salt over historical wounds rather than creating knowledge and an understanding of reconciliation and forgiveness. Many appear to seek pleasure in spitting venom, mudslinging and importing the culture of acrimonious debate and insults from India and Pakistan into political discourse across all the regions and diaspora of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

One of the significant obstacles across the nationalist political spectrum is the ability and willingness to do a reality check. We hardly introspect and do a stock tacking on our political activism. Most nationalist political parties and groups have no specific, measurable, achievable,  realistically resourced, or time-bound (SMART) action plan. Does anyone have a written three to five years strategic business or activities delivery plan? Most probably not. That is why we find it difficult to successfully identify pathways to challenge the structures of oppression, end the status quo and get out of the cul-de-sac. We must recognise and understand that we are all in the same boat: under enforced military occupation, with limited freedom of speech and movement across the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

 The lack of focus, participation and influence in the political economy seriously affects our present and future. We need to focus on diversifying situational awareness. It is vital to refocus energies and efforts on restoring the dignity, influence and sovereignty of the people in our State's internal and foreign affairs.

There is an urgent need to constructively engage on the issues related to the ongoing political turmoil and lack of participation and influence in the existing decision-making forums internationally and within various regions of Pakistan-controlled and Indian Occupied areas of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

It's time to find a pragmatic approach and way forward for everyone believing in a civilised political debate and discussion concerning the wellbeing and sovereignty of the people and State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Therefore, anyone researching hidden aspects of our political geography and historical events in the 19th and 20th centuries must do so with academic rigour and internationally accepted standards of research within history. Their research will have legitimacy and more acceptance if they can get their study published in any one of the peer-reviewed history journals. Once published in a peer-reviewed history journal, they can share their research findings with everyone. This way, it can be used as a core reference and basis to learn from both positive and negative aspects of our social and political history.

Furthermore, their research would create new knowledge to inform our current and future direction of travel. It would help us learn from our past and not repeat anything that can impact our future. It will strengthen the people's resistance movement for an open, peaceful, cohesive and prosperous society within all the regions of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Let us make it happen. May God help and guide us all towards the path of dignity and wisdom so that we can learn and practice how to agree to disagree with mutual respect and honour.

About the author: Sardar Aftab Khan is a senior leader apprentice, studying M.Sc Leadership in Practice at Lancaster Business School for the award of a Chartered Leader status from the Institute of Leadership and Management. He can be reached via E-mail:

 Dated: 11 November 2022


  1. Interesting reading....

    I would suggest that it is impractical to make a long term or even medium term plan for this region because people don't have control of their present. They have been put in a straightjacket by the British empire which only gives space to India and Pakistan along very carefully crafted lines to ensure indigenous space is not created, let alone blossom.

    History has also been written by victors (in this case by Britain, India & Pakistan) and they've been very meticulous in omitting important strands of history from their narrations in order to give the perception that India and Pakistan have totally contrasting/competing narratives and that Britain was a mere innocent spectator to all the events that happened in 1947.

    The reality is very different from these deeply embedded perceptions and it requires a lot of extrapolation from various historical narratives to prove how and why certain key events in history occurred. There are no readily available references which limits the scope to achieve publication in peer reviewed historical journals as you suggest. Key information is also being withheld by the UK government - especially on events leading up to 1947 - and despite a freedom of information act there, they have used exceptions under the guise of not wanting to affect their relationship with India and Pakistan to deny us this information.

    That doesn't mean that there isn't a solution and it also does not mean that the suggestions you have made are without merit.

    All I'm saying is that the solution requires far more effort, tenacity, accommodation & inclusion of all strands of opinion within the State than what most of our people have indulged in so far.

    Prescriptions - in my opinion - are more suited to be framed on a day to day basis and the more people that are synchronised in this manner with their time, energy and resources will ensure that we find that elusive path to a solution.

    It requires extraordinary effort and we can find influence and inspiration from the rest of the world but the solution here - in my opinion - will be very unique.

  2. Thanks for your feedback. However, I am not sure how can a "Tahng Tapaaoo" attitude and living day day approach would yield any positive outcomes. Benjamin Franklin said "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." I hear what you say regarding barriers to research on historical events in Jammu and Kashmir. However, if that's what it is, then a research paper based on any primary research will be a great contribution in creating new knowledge provided its done on the basis of internationally accept research methodology.

    1. Many thanks for your response.

      I think what I'm describing as a day to day approach is an organised format which confronts the problem holistically, understands the bigger picture and then breaks it down into very small particles and then works on them one by one on a day to day basis. Small targets, consistency, regular introspection creates a compound effect over time.

      We have learned that in practice. Our people tend to approach public interest spontaneously and are not mentally geared to participating effectively in a long term strategy.

      However, it is possible that other people possess the ability to change this behaviour. If you try something enough times, it might eventually work.

      I do think that there should be a plurality of methods adopted by different activists to find the best approach needed to influence our people.

      On a personal level, I have found the day to day organised approach most effective.

      As for your second point, I agree.


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